Sunday 6 February 2011


The basic and general definition of intertextuality is gaining ideas from other media texts and using the foundations of those ideas within your own text. An example of this would be trying to re-create a famous movie scene in a music video. There is a reason why intertextuality may be used by different music video directors. Various directors are film school graduates so they use cinema as a starting point to help direct. There are different types of visual referencing often used in music videos, such as fashion, cinema and photography.

Madonna's "Material Girl" is a prime example of intertextuality, she uses a scene from the film "Gentlemen prefer blondes" and in her music video she tries to recreate a similar scenario. Not only movies are used, television is also a point of referece too. An example of this would be the Beastie Boys spoof cop show title sequences for sabbotage.

Video game intertextuality is becoming a way to attract the younger target audience as video games are very popular in today's modern era. An example of video game intertextuality is the Red Hot Chilli Peppers' "Californication". Personally this is one of my favourite music videos, as I find it very interesting and it was one of the first music videos to reference video games.

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