Sunday 16 January 2011

The Conventions Of A Music Video

These are some conventions of a music video and what you will generally find in all music videos.

1. Tells a story (Narrative)
2. Lyrics
3. Band Playing or Artist shown
4. Mise-en-scene (Reflect mood of the song)
5. Pace of editing, fits pace of song(So it all fits in time)
6. Lip synched (Authentic)
7. Star Image
8. Good lighting
9. Digital effects
10. Choreography
11. Main character singer
12. Singing into the camera
13. Cross cutting
14. Montage editing

Conventions of a hip-hop music genre.

1. Rapping lyrics
2. Urban location
3. Baggy clothes
4. Street dance choreography
5. Graffiti
6. Girls/Money/Cars/Bling/Big houses/Clubs
7. Fast paced song

Conventions of a rnb music genre.

1. Glamourised
2. Club scene

Conventions of a Indie music genre.

1. Performance based
2. Concert
3. Live perormance
4. Modern clothing
5. Fast pace song

Conventions of a Boy-band (Pop) music genre.

1. Normally narrative and performance based
2. Shots of screaming fans
3. Dance routine
4. Slow to medium pace song
5. Lots of shots of the band

Conventions of a heavey metal music genre.

1. Dark clothing
2. Dim lighting
3. Performance based
4. Mosh pits
5. Concerts
6. Screaming Rockers
7. Head banging

Conventions of a love song genre.

1. Love interest
2. Narrative
3. Slow pace song
4. Signifiers of love (i.e the colour red)
5. Inoccent theme

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