Saturday 15 January 2011

The Team

This media production consists of Luke, Grant, Stuart and Luke M and together we are group 2. Each of us have a different variety of interests and different tastes in music but we feel we can come together and create an amazing music video!

My name is Luke and I am very excited to be creating a music video this year, I feel in my As media production, I feel my production was very successful but I feel I could have worked a lot harder to improve it and make it even more successful. I gained a lot of media skills last year in creating my production, for example. I learnt to use a camera very well and I am able to portray a variety of shots, and the planning storyboards was one of my strengths. The skills that I want to improve is the editing aspect of media, last year I never had a chance to edit where my other team members were interested in the editing aspect of media. The genre of music that I most enjoy is pop/rnb because it is fun, and the mood is generally positive and that is the type of music that I am interested in.

My name is Grant, and i am really optimistic and excited to have progressed onto the A2 course where we get the opportunity to make our own music videos, because something I and actually most teengers feel really passionate about is Music. Although i think my AS coursework went well, it had a rough start with groups changing and arguing, but eventually i got into the right group and made a what we feel was a really good piece of work. I hope to achieve some more skills and maybe abit more of an input into the post production side of it, as in AS i was very much into pre production and planning.

My name is Stuart and I am pleased that this year we are going to make a music video which I sense that not many people have a chance to do in their lives so it will be a great opportunity to do. Last year I believe that our production was excellent because we all learnt a lot of stuff about media as a whole rather than the specific things. I would like to develop my editing skills because it isn’t just about the filming, the editing process has a great effect on the video for example you can’t film in slow motion so it would be good to edit the pace of the shots. I enjoy the genres Pop and Rock because they are contrasting types of music because Pop is usually fun where Rock is generally more meaningful but loud.

My name is Luke Matthews and I am looking forward to producing a music video this year for my A2 Media production. My production of a music magazine last year was successful, and as a result of it I learnt a variety of skills and gathered knowledge on how to make a good media production. For example, in order to represent my artist to the audience in the way I want, I now consider what props are used in the shot, and the scenario of the photo-shoot. However I believe that I could have managed my time more efficiently. This production, I am aiming to produce a video which is entertaining for the audience to watch, and I'm looking forward to filming and editing shots.

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