Immediately what is interesting about the cover of this is that the girls are all wearing the same dresses but are different colours, which to me represents the genre "POP" very clearly, pop is describe as light, fun and colourful, which i what i think The Saturdays are trying to achieve with this CD cover. Pop music is also said to be "commercially recorded music, often oriented towards a youth market, usually consisting of relatively short and simple love songs and utilizing technological innovations to produce new variations on existing themes". this again is quite obvious, there is nothing to outlandish on the cover which is clear to appeal to the market of popular culture which is very "commercial" and tends to stick away from controversial moves. Something that is also on the cover which is on every CD cover is the name of the artist, this is usualy done in a font that is repeated which is always used for advertisement, this is so that the name of the artist cant be recognised on repitition.

Again i have used another favourite artist of mine, but from a different genre and a completely different style of cover, The cover matches the genre of music which is classified as "alternative Pop Rock" The cover which comes across to me as very dream like, she has her face sideways to the camera, which a set of leather lungs on her chest, which fits with the album name, the birds and flowers in the background further add the dream like feeling that Florence's music does show, so evidently matching with the genre "Alternative" Like i said with The Saturdays, Florence also uses the same font for her bands name on every album, single and piece of merchandise, again for advertising and to make the group more recognisable and able to be picked out.

Finally i have chosen something quite different, i have chosen a singer who is classified as "Indie, Pop/Rock" which leads little to the imagination when it comes to the cover, obviously the cover is very plain, but i think that matches the music, the songs are very stripped down and really listenable, the cover, is his name which is also the name of the album and his animated face on a plain background, showing that really he doesnt have images, and that really the indie music artists, dont play on comercial images to increase the popularity of thier music.
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