Although the full length music video is so long, for the purpose of the comparison between other blogs, i will analyse the whole thing, rather than the shortened down version.

The music video starts with a prison scene, it is supposed to follow on from a previous lady gaga video, with the sotry line being, she is arrested, for murdering her boyfriend, but Beyonce bails her out, and the kill Beyonces wife beater boyfriend and go on the run together. The music video is also very interesting as it incorporates another one of Lady Gaga's songs Papa Gangsta. The video is filmed like that of a film, which a clear narrative , with cloe ups and lots of product placements, for things such as Virgin, with the closeup of the mobile saying "Virgin Mobile".
When the music starts we get lots of close ups of her face as she is singing and the use of special effects to make a ripple, jumping effect as the song sounds like its jumping, the shots then get extended when the dance scene happens, with medium, and long shots, with close ups that pan out to ereveal the choreography and the bacing dancers, we also get still and slow motion shots of gaga, in different stances and positions that match the music, we than get more narrative, as she leaves prison. and we see the other main character "Beyonce". Before Beyonce starts singing we see lots of close ups of the faces and things in the car, this carries on to when beyonce takes her roll, apart from two medium shots that show Beyonce driving the car. After beyonce has finished her lines, we get another narrative, of them walking into a diner, and we get a split screen in thirds, the thrids are beyonce - close up, gaga - full shot and gaga - close up. There is no speech in the diner all speech is written in subtitles. During the second dance sequence there are several different close ups of Gaga, and her dancers with the same, ripple jumping effect used earlier in the video.
when we come towards the conclusion of the video and we have the final dance sequence with lots of choreography featuring both Gaga and Beyonce, there are less close ups apart from the occaisional close up of Gaga and Beyonces face, but then mainly full shots of the dancing and the back up dancers, with the occaisional cuts to the close up faces of people who have died at their hands, and the dance sequence continues. After this scene there are some shtos of the car driving away and also some shots of Gaga dancing in a skin tight leopard print catsuit infront of that car which is named "pussy wagon". interesting for a POP music video there is a video interlude of a news feed, the last we see of Beyonce and Gaga in the song, is them in big dresses with big hats, saying the words to the song, and then the song ends with Beyone and Gaga in the car driving off together. What interesting is that this was a sequal to another song that was sun and written by Gaga and at the end it reads "To be continued" which again is very strange for a POP music video which is supposed to be commercial.
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