The song i have chosen to analyse is The Saturdays - Missing You.

The video starts with a close up on Frankie, this is while she is singing her solo at the beginning, it carries on into the first verse which allows all the girls to be seen on there own but stick to the stereotypical modes that are carried out by girl bands. Solo for the verses to be shown on there own, and then normally in chorus' and dance sequences they are shown together.
They are all placed in different places in Spain. Frankie is in the woods, Mollie, is riding around on her bike, Una is driving a car, Vanessa is in a location with ruins and old buildings and Rochelle is down at the beach. This is throughout the first verse and parts of the second verse, while the solos are being sung.
Throughout the video there is a large amount of Product placement particularly watches, and about a third of the way through the video which has a close up of a make of watches in different colours by "ICE".
When it gets to the second verse there is a very typical girl band music video scene of a dance routine where they are choreographed to the music and perform to the song (performance based part of the song). This continues until the last verse, which is sung by Rochelle, where the scene changes to the party sequence.
This party sequence was for a different beat of the song, it shoes the band "United" together at a party, they are dancing to their own music but none of them are singing along to the song to suggest that this is a non performance part of the video.
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