The music video starts with an establishing shot of two houses, which then jump cuts into shot reverse shot, repeated of the conversation that the main character is having with the boy next door. The characters are very typical teenage american movie, with the pretty nerdy girl, and the obvious, hot guy. They have a conversation through the paper to suggest that they know each other and are quite good friends. when he closes the curtain, the lead girl turns into a typical teenage girl of the 90's, dancing around her room, singing into the mirror through her hairbrush and trying on different outfits, which we see the boy looking through his window to see her "geeky" dancing and finding it amusing.
We get a jump cut into another scene, where there is a close up of her face and a book, to signify that she is abit geeky and really she enjoys reading her books, the boy from the window sits down, to clarify that indeed they do know eachother. when the girlfriend pulls up in the car its obvious juxtaposition between the girlfriend and the geeky girl, both played by singer "Taylor Swift". We see here that she really likes the boy, as when they kiss she looks away with almost a look of jealousy on her face. When we cut to another scene its also clear that they come from different walks of life, she is on the marching band squad, whereas her "enemy" is captain of the cheerleading squad, further showing how different they are. We get another cut, to another scene when we are back in the bedrooms, and the guy is all dressed ready for what looks like a school dance, and she is dressed in some casual trousers and looks to be studying, where they exchange more notes.
We get the final jump cut of the music video, when we see her entering the school dance, looking amazing, a real cinderella scenario, where the guy leaves the bad girl, and goes for the geeky but really good lookin girl, and to end it off on a happy ever after ending, by showing eachother identical notes that read "I Love You".
The video uses a large amount of close ups, and medium shots, this is to show the emotion of the painful mess that she is stuck in, it also has alot of quick shot and fast shots, which is very odd to have both in the same video.
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